How you can help
Ashdown may currently be owned by a developer, but it’s ours to save. Here’s what you can do now to help.
Thank you for all your generous support so far.
1. Find out what happens next
The formal deadline for public comment to Wealden District Council was 23.59, Friday 16 August 2024, but further comments may still be considered at this stage. You can read the applications through the Council’s system here (planning application) and here (listed building consent). If you haven’t already done so, send an email to, subject line WD/2022/2372/MAJ and WD/2022/2373/LB , setting out your views.
You can refer to our comments on the plans here and read our objection, and other expert supporting letters and media coverage, here.
The course of events is now likely to be thus:
Planning officers review comments: Wealden’s planning officers will now review all the comments submitted by the public, statutory consultees (e.g. Highways, Historic England, the Georgian Group, etc). You can view these yourself on the planning application pages through the Council’s system here (planning application) and here (listed building consent).
Planning officers draft their report: the officers will then write a report, including analysis of the applications and their conformity with local and national planning policy, and the public and consultee comments. Their report will contain a recommendation on whether to approve or refuse the application.
Planning Committee North meeting: this is categorised as a ‘major’ planning application. The Council’s decision is therefore likely to be made by Wealden’s Planning Committee North, which is comprised of elected district councillors. The committee meeting is likely to be public; it will consider the officers’ report, followed by a discussion among the committee members.
Decision: The planning committee will vote on whether to grant or refuse planning permission. The decision could be deferred if more information or amendments are requested, although we note that these applications were made in December 2022; almost two years ago - a timely decision is now required.
Issue of Decision Notice: If planning permission were to be granted, a decision notice would be issued, often with conditions attached, with which the developer is legally required to comply. If permission is refused, the notice will set out the reasons for refusal.
Potential appeals: If the application were to be refused or the applicant were dissatisfied with the conditions imposed, they may appeal the decision to the Planning Inspectorate. The public and other interested parties are invited to participate in the appeal process.
Judicial Review: If planning permission is granted, interested parties may seek a judicial review on the grounds of legal or technical errors in the decision-making process.
We’ll continue to update this website, our social media and our newsletter to keep you updated, and let you know how you can help. No one person or organisation alone will be enough to sway this decision; we’re most powerful when we work together. Your voice will continue to be needed to secure a viable future for Ashdown. Thank you for all your support so far.
2. Share the Save Ashdown website on your social media, and send it to at least three friends
No one person or organisation alone will be enough to sway this decision.We’re more powerful if we work together, so helping to get the word out is just as important as your own lobbying; please share this far and wide!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and sign up to the mailing list.
We’ll keep you updated. The campaign now moves to a new stage as we engage with local councillors, MPs and ministers, and other heritage organisations; it will be some time before the decision is made, and your support will be valuable.
3. Donate to the campaign
We’re a very small charity with limited resources, and we’re extremely grateful for the generous support we’ve received so far. Donations have so far printed 200 posters and paid for sponsored ads online; we’re also keeping some funds back in case we have to challenge a planning decision in a judicial review in due course.
Our current payments system only works with UK bank accounts; we’re in the process of upgrading it. If you don’t have a UK bank account and would like to make a donation, please use these details:
IBAN GB08BUKB20239770830305
Account 70830305
Sort code 202397
Address [leave blank]
City Leicester
Post code/ZIP LE87 2BB
Country Great Britain/United Kingdom
Phone (bank) 0345 7345345
If you make a donation directly rather than through the link above, we won’t receive an instant notification that you’ve donated, so please do email to let us know if you like. Thank you for your interest and generosity.
4. Read our application to Historic England to upgrade Ashdown to Grade I listed status
In December 2022, we applied to Historic England to begin the Listing Enhancement process for Ashdown, with a view to its being upgrade to Grade I. If you’d like more detail on Ashdown’s history and significance than is provided in these pages, we hope you’ll find the report an informative read. We will publish further updates from Historic England as we receive them.